
Saturday, September 5, 2015

Best Gadgets for Whole30

I am currently on Day 5 of another Whole 30 and feeling great!

I did my first Whole30 back in the winter, and felt the best I had ever felt. I vowed to keep up the healthy eating, but definitely got back into some of my bad habits and decided it was time for a reset again. And what a better time to do it, than when there is tons of fresh, seasonal produce available? 

I have had a lot of friends asking me about my Whole30 experience and any tips that may make it easier. One of the biggest adjustments that I found with Whole30 was meal planning and prep. I definitely have to map out my meals for the week. And when you can't eat processed foods or eat out many places, it's a lot of cooking and dishwashing. Anything that makes it a little easier, is a plus. And having been through this once, I feel much more prepared for a second round. 

Here are the Top 3 gadgets that I recommend: 

1. A Salad Spinner

I know a lot of folks who have one and don't use it, but mine gets a ton of use. Especially with our CSA greens. I have found that if I prep greens right away, I am much more likely to eat time. We got this one as a wedding gift.

2. A Spiralizer

This thing is awesome! I asked for one for my birthday last year, just as I was finishing my first Whole30. I was gifted this bad boy, and have found it super easy to use and clean. Although watch out because those blades are sharp! Spiraled beets are some of my favorite, but there are so many things that you can spiralize. And it just makes things fun.

3. Poach Pods

My mom got these for me as a gift awhile back, and I initially thought they were totally weird. But I love to make poached eggs and they keep the eggs nice and contained while cooking, making clean up much easier. No more floaty egg white to sift out of the water. During Whole30, I tend to eat eggs pretty much every day, so these are getting a ton of use right now.

Do you have any favorite kitchen gadgets?