
Saturday, August 2, 2008

Locally Grown?

One of my big goals is to try to buy local products. Saint Louis happens to have a fantastic farmer’s market. I trekked down this morning to the Soulard Public Market, which is open Wednesday through Saturday during business hours. The first time I went a few months ago, I was surprised to find a vendor selling Dole bananas. Not exactly local. A friend explained that many vendors purchase wholesale produce that doesn’t grow in Missouri, and generally they sell it for cheaper than grocery stores. I suppose that I can’t vouch that everything I bought was grown locally, but I did get some good deals.

Items on my shopping list:
Bread- $5
Tomatoes - $1.25
Shallots – $2
Grapes – 1 lb for $2
Green Peppers - 3 for $1

Total = $11.25

Not bad. I was planning to stay under $10, but $11.25 is certainly not a lot. I should also admit, I was quite tempted by the pet store in the market which had puppies for sale for $25 and kittens for just $10. When a little white and orange kitten reached out to me from his cage, I was pretty close to bringing home a tiny friend for my cat. There are a whole lot of costs that would have come with that deal pet is that cheap!

I should go to the grocery store and compare prices to check out my savings. Instead I think I'll try to enjoy the rest of my weekend. Thus far, I've spent a fantastic day out by the pool. Ahh summer.



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