
Thursday, June 24, 2010

Book #4: The Pact

I headed to the library last weekend and was excited to find that not only did I have a bunch of holds that were in, but I also managed to pick up two Jodi Picoult books. Last summer, I read My Sister's Keeper before watching the movie. I had heard good things about her other books and thought I should check them out.

The Pact is her fifth book, which centers around a supposed suicide pact between two teenagers, who have known each other since birth and seem to be soul mates. Except that as the book begins, one is dead and the other isn't. The book switches back and forth between the present day following Emily's death, and the history of Chris and Emily's relationship, from birth until her death.

It is a very intense read, where the reader knows more than the characters in the book, one of my favorite styles. One of the main themes of the book is truth, and how each person approaches a story from their own truth, with no one really having the absolute truth, if there is such a thing. I don't want to give away any more of the story, so I'll just say that it's definitely a worthy read. I'm looking forward to reading a few more of her books over the course of the summer, next to the pool of course. 

Next up on the list though is The Help, by Katherine Stockett.   

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