
Monday, October 17, 2011

Party Rockers in the House Tonight (aka #21 Be in a Flash Mob)

Check #21 off the list!

That's right. This girl was in a flash mob. I can't promise that my dancing was very good, but it was a ton of fun and I was very excited to be able to offer the opportunity for our students who were interested (and much better dancers).

I thought this one would be one of the hardest to pull off, but then an opportunity just sort of presented itself...

So here are the details. Earlier this semester, I was invited to sit on a committee that would be planning events for the Chancellor's inauguration that would specifically get students involved. Everyone came up with fantastic ideas, including a meet and greet, a fun photo contest, an "Are You Smarter than the Chancellor" game show, a service day, and a interactive lab (because he is a former faculty member). Oh yeah, and a flash mob.

One of my colleagues and I volunteered to take on the flash mob, thinking it would be the easiest of the events to plan, especially since we were both new. New, and maybe also a little naive. Just recruit some students, find a choreographer, arrange a practice or two, and we'd be good to go. Except that apparently it is challenging to recruit students to perform in the middle of the school day. And to get all of those details to come together.

But we persevered and pulled it off with a group that was small but mighty. We couldn't have done it without the help of the Panther Dance Team, who did all of the choreography and instruction. And everyone seemed to have a lot of fun. Yeah!

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