
Sunday, June 9, 2013

Race No. 3: The Lombardi Walk/Run for Cancer 5K

One of my goals for 2013 is to complete 13 races. I have started training for the Brewers Half-Marathon in September, and so I've planned in a bunch of earlier races of a variety of lengths.

Yesterday was race number three - the Lombardi Walk/Run for Cancer, which raises money for the Vince Lombardi Cancer Foundation. I was really excited about it for a number of reasons. First, the cause is something near and dear to me. Then, there is the fact that the race route went through the zoo. Who doesn't love running with animals? I also was pumped because I have been running much more frequently lately, and the weather was nice and cool - a great day for a race.

After an intro program with Bart Starr and a number of other current and former Packers players, the race kicked off. The course went twice around the perimeter of the zoo, which included a major hill to climb. I forgot about the incline on those zoo paths!

I ran at a much faster pace than usual with surprising ease. I actually ended with my best time yet - 30:35. Under ten minute miles - 9:51! I couldn't believe it when I pulled up the results today and discovered that I finished 52/151 in my age group and 204/508 among the women. I suppose it helps that I jumped to the higher age bracket in the last year and my age bracket is all people older than me rather than younger, but I'm pretty proud. I don't think I'll ever be in it to win it, but it is nice to feel like I am accomplishing new things as I continue to run more.

On that note, today I'll be attempting 6 miles again. With the Rock n' Sole Quarter Marathon just a week away, I need to get in at least one six-mile run first. Wish me luck! 

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