
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Fourth!

Happy Fourth of July!

I started off my day with a little Fourth of July run near the lake. After taking three days off, I had to make it happen, although I fought myself on it for about two hours before I actually got out there. Which of course meant that temps kept rising while I procrastinated. Bad idea. Let me tell you, that heat was sort of oppressive. Today may be too hot for running....

Other things it MAY be too hot for this Fourth:

  • BBQs. Really? You are going to make some poor friend or family member stand in front of a hot grill on a day that it's in the 90s? That just seems mean. I hope you are giving them an iv of gatorade, because they are going to be sweating their butts off. I would rather stick to your basic cold foods today - popsicles, watermelon slices, cold drinks, and ice cream - what else do you need?
  • Sparklers and fireworks. It's not only too hot for that, but also way too dry. 
  • Mayonnaise. Just a little food safety thought - potato salad, cole slaw and other mayo-based foods don't get along real well with heat. And the last thing that anyone needs on the Fourth is food poisoning. Check yourself.
  • Parades. Don't get me wrong, I love a good parade. But standing in direct sun in my own sweat for a few hours, waving at marching bands, scary clowns, and local politicians. On a cooler day, definitely. Today, I will pass. (Ironically my mother sent me a text from a parade while I was writing this). 
But it is not too hot for:
  • American Flag apparel. Wear it proudly! I sadly do not have anything with a flag on it, but I could probably track down a bedazzler and make it happen. 
  • Reflecting on the privileges that we have living in a free country, and thanking those that protect that freedom. It is a very big deal. We should probably spend at least a little bit of the day thinking about it. 
  • Movies. Especially ones with that good old patriotic spirit. You know - Independence Day, Miracle, Apollo 13, Field of Dreams. Or really any movie about baseball. We will be heading to the theaters in a bit to check out Spiderman. Nothing says USA pride like a good summer blockbuster based on a comic book.
  • Pools, water parks, lakes/oceans, sprinklers, or your classic bathtub filled with cold water. All good options.
  • Standing in front of a fan or air conditioner in your underwear. Make it red, white and/or blue underwear, and that is a party.
Call me a party pooper, if you will. My mission in life is to stay cool. Although we will be heading out to Summerfest tonight to see David Gray. Maybe not until after it gets dark though. That just seems smarter.

How will you be celebrating America's independence today?

Don't forget about my second blog giveaway, the Cupcake Decorating Kit. Check out this post for more details, and get your entries in today! Just think, you could be decorating red, white and blue cupcakes!

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