
Thursday, July 5, 2012

A Little Incentive

Image borrowed from here
As I was browsing on Pinterest awhile back, I saw a cool idea to create a little motivation/incentive for working out.

For each workout that you complete, you put $1 in a jar. When the jar gets to $100, you reward yourself with something nice. The example given was jeans, since hopefully by 100 workouts in, you might be ready for a new, smaller pair.

I loved this idea, and have been doing the same, although rather than an actual dollar, I have been moving the money from my checking account to my savings at the end of each month. Much easier, since I rarely carry cash. With 58 in, I am past the halfway mark, and working towards that $100 reward, which will hopefully come by the end of the summer. Right now I'm thinking a new pair of jeans would be a perfect reward, but perhaps new shoes, or maybe more new jewelry. : )

What do you use as workout motivation?

Don't forget about my second blog giveaway, the Cupcake Decorating Kit. Check out this post for more details. I'll pick a winner on Monday. Are cupcakes good workout motivation? Haha. 

1 comment:

  1. What a cool idea K! I just can NOT get myself to the gym, it seems so boring. So I focus on seasonal activities. This summer is all about biking and hiking; the winter (when there is snow) is snowshoeing! All stuff I can do with friends and suddenly working out is social rather than work!
