Sunday, January 13, 2013

#4: Share a Secret with Post Secret.

About six years ago, I was introduced to Post Secret. I found a new Sunday ritual of sitting in bed with a cup of coffee, checking out the new secrets of the week.

That was also the year that I got to meet Frank Warren, creator of Post Secret.

We brought him to Iowa State to speak.

And he signed my book.

Since that time, I have kept up with Post Secret on and off. I have paged through the newer books at Barnes and Noble. I went to see a postcard display at an art museum. And I have found myself checking out the new secrets, not every Sunday any more, but when I've needed it.

All that time, I have wanted to mail in one of my own, but never have.

That's not totally true. When we brought Frank to campus, we did our own Post Secret project, where members of the campus community could submit them and we put them in our display wall. I submitted some to that. After Frank spoke, we gave him an envelope with all of the campus secrets.

But I had never mailed a secret to his address, familiar to so many people, and written on the front of his book. Until today.

There's something totally freeing about putting your secret down on paper and sending it out into the world.

The chances of it actually being posted next Sunday are so small. But that's okay. I've submitted my own Sunday secret. And I've checked it off my list.

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