Sunday, April 18, 2010

Check Out: Groupon.Com

If you haven't heard of it yet, you need to check out Groupon.Com. Groupon is a web site that offers a new coupon each day for a restaurant or service located in your city. You might pay $20 up front for $50 worth of services. It is basically Restaurants.Com meets Woot.Com (also good sites to check out), with the caveat that a certain number of people must opt into the deal for it to be active that day (although I've never seen the minimum not be met here in St. Louis). Typically there is one main deal for the day, as well as a side deal. Services that I've seen have varied from salon and spa treatments, acupuncture, gardening and landscaping supplies, just to name a few. There are often restaurant coupons, which friends have said are actually less restrictive in their use than some featured on Restaurants.Com or other sites.

Worth saving some money!


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