Monday, April 30, 2012

Special Delivery

Check out those gorgeous fresh veggies. I know there is parsley, spinach, scallions, and baby leeks. Beyond that...hmmm, no clue. But I bet they all taste delicious.

My mom decided to join a CSA, which means that she will now be sharing a basket of fresh produce with my sister and I. Regular, seasonal veggies straight from the farm? Yes, please! And it is the perfect amount, when split between us.

If CSA is a new term for you, it stands for community-supported agriculture. You can purchase a monthly share of the farmer's produce (sort of like a membership), and in turn you get a box of fresh fruits and vegetables each week. Some CSAs include other farm products too. It is a great way to try new things, and it is a fun surprise to see what will be in your box each week.

Fresh and local. Two great words when it comes to food.

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